Life Coaching with Coaching the Dream

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The Dream of a Fulfilled Life

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Cathy Mahady, Life Coach with Coaching the Dream

Cathy Mahady
Professional Master Life Coach

Minneapolis, MN


BS Psychology

       Master Life Coach

       Goal Success Life Coach

       Life Purpose Life Coach

Welcome to Coaching the Dream - Life Coaching with Cathy Mahady


I know I am not fulfilled, but I don't know how to make the change...

I thought I was on the path to reaching my goal, but life has so many distractions and I got lost along the way...

I felt like I was all fired up and ready to take it all on, but I just couldn't break through...

If you've felt like this, you are not alone. Many of us have had dreams and just don't know how to get started moving toward them. Or if we are fortunate enough to know the path, we get stopped along the way. With constant distractions, not enough time, hard choices needing to be made, too many challenges, are dreams often get pushed to the bottom of the To Do List.

Often the journey would be easier if we had someone coaching us along the way, someone to bounce our ideas off of, someone to help give us the courage to move in the direction of our dreams and keep going when we hit the inevitable challenge.

The Struggle is Real but so is the Solution

Coaching Offers


What is a Life Coach?

  • A mentor that leads and supports you through the process

  • A cheerleader that says "I know you can do it."

  • An advisor that believes in you, whether or not you believe in yourself

  • A motivator that champions your greatness, even if you're not sure it exists


My desire is to coach you to attain success in your personal and professional life. We'll work to help you to:

  • Become enlightened to your dreams

  • Clarify your goals

  • Identify obstacles

  • Develop strategies to overcome roadblocks

  • Create greater confidence and belief in yourself and your abilities

  • And I'll support you along the way to achieve these changes so you can create a breakthrough in order to attain greater fulfillment.


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